Friday, February 25, 2011

A Question for all the pregnant people ... ... ...

NOW - everyone that knows me knows I am not about to have any more children - lol - but I have at least 10 friends that are pregnant right now and I am seeing a very big trend in their pregnancies ... that trend is "Planned C-Sections" ... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?  This leaves me with some questions.

What happened to the days where your baby came when GOD said the baby was ready to come???  Please don't get me wrong, I know there are times where there are complications in pregnancies and for the protection of mother or baby or both, a C-Section is necessary.  I'm talking to the moms that are planning their C-Section out of convenience or because they just "can't wait" or "don't want to wait" or - this one kills me - because "I want to choose a really cool birth date and what the exact day will be" like you're selecting lottery numbers or something.

I've been a mom now for over 16 years and let me tell you ~ the best thing you can do for your child is teach them about God's Will.  Following God's Will is what will give them EVERYTHING they need to succeed in life.  But to teach your child about God's Will ~ you have to know how to follow it yourself.

I know I'm probably not making people happy right now and my intention is NOT to make you mad, but to get you to think about the true reason for your "planned C-Section".  Is it because you are having complications?  Because there is a risk to you or your baby?  Or is it for convenience?  So you know when the baby is coming - you can plan everything up to the very last minute and know exactly when you need to go to the hospital?  Just remember GOD is the giver of life.  HE is the One that put that tiny little baby in you and HE is the One the knows EXACTLY when it is SAFE for your baby to born.  I say SAFE because when I was pregnant with Micah, he was so big that every time I had an ultra sound, they changed my due date - they gave me a due date almost a MONTH earlier than should have been.  This was back before "planned C-Sections" were allowed.  Well, let me just tell you, Micah was born on my ORIGINAL due date - the one that GOD gave me with the "birthing plan" that HE designed.  If Micah would have come early - if I would have "planned" my C-Section going off what the doctors were saying and what MAN said would be okay - Micah's lungs would not have fully developed and he would have LIFE LONG complications.

Again, I'm not trying to make anyone upset and I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do.  I'm not trying to say you're a horrible person if you have your "planned C-Section" already and know the exact date when your baby will come.  I just want you to stop and think.  PRAY about this decision.  Is this something that GOD has given you the okay on or have you even asked Him what HIS opinion on the matter is???

There are amazing stories that people can tell their children about when their water broke and where they were ~ or the miracle that God preformed during their labor and delivery.  Don't rob yourself of the amazing experience and blessing He has for you in doing birth HIS WAY!!!!!  He's the God of the universe and let me tell you I would give my life to defend the fact that HE knows what's best for you AND your baby.


  1. Good word Kymm! I planned an all-natural birth with no meds and ended up with Pitocin and a C-section by the end of it all. My body just didn't handle it all the way I wanted. lol But because I had to have a c-section, I knew that meant my doctors would probably make me have another for any subsequent pregnancies... although we're not planning on having anymore kids, it was a huge damper on the excitement of possibly having another to know I'd HAVE to have a c-section and miss the excitement you mentioned of when will my water break? How many hours will my labor be? Will we make it to the hospital in time? All that unknown stuff is what makes the experience full. :o) Anything unknown can be scary, but when you just trust God and follow His will, you can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

  2. I have heard of these and think its silly. I see the point of some for medical reasons but just let God carry the little one until they are ready to join the big world. I can't wait for God's "planned" birth of my little girl. Until then, I shall wait and pray she is healthy.
